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This blog is for the intelligent.


Su Fang

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Monday, April 20, 2009
doing home econs. its annoying me. ahhhh. i have like what, 20 plus pages already. my poor printer. and im still not done. mus hand up on wednesday. so screwed.
music was screwed. me and cheryl screwed it. oh wells. only music.
Ahh. havent started studying for CAs. Screwed. hopefully can start after home econs and art over. they're starting to seriously annoy me. urgh.
Ballet exam was okay. my hand went numb halfway. no major screw up except me almost falling over. thankfully i didnt. anyway finally its over. whooo. so happy.
im eating jelly. my mum stopped me. she says im going to have an overdose of jelly. can such a thing even happen?!?man. i wan jelly.
CONGRATS TO THE CHOIR PEOPLE FOR GETTING GOLD WITH HONOURS.AGAIN. WELL DONE EVERYONE.WHOO. sarah was highing over green tea ice cream smsing me with smiley faces and everything. AFTER freaking out before ballet exam. tuh. typical. she looks funny in make up. ahaha.
i layered my hair.wow. now my head feels light. now im supposed to comb my hair a lot and not ti it up.
i saw joanne after ballet at mango parkway yesterday.
Gay: why you here
Claire: i had ballet
Gay: you still taking ballet
Gay: ohhh.. no wonder you pitch so funny.
and the whole time she was like. why you still here, go home and study. no training for 2 weeks go home and study la.and my dad embarrassed me. he was buying me a pillow.
dad to gay( while paying): claire claims that sleeping on this pillow will improve her pitching
gay(laughing): Lets hope it works.
home econs is annoying!!!!!
oh and yesterday my parents made me buy a new pair of shoes cos my reebok ones have 2 holes in them because of the pitching thing. and probably also because i was enlarging it with a scissors during class.sppoiling my beloved shoe.so sad. and i couldnt find the same model or something similar that was cheap. so i ended up buying those flat sole ones. urgh. so not me. oh wells. i shall give it a try. I WANT MY REEBOK ONES BACK.mourning over the loss of my shoe. shall only wear it for softball or when i feel like it.
CMPS is also annoying. RAWR!!!!
i shall give up doing home econs and watch amazing race.haha. i hope tammy and victor wins. there're in china for this episode.my bro was sick so he stayed home and watched it on youtube. annoying.during ballet exam he was like-good luck! all the best! i hope you fail.WHAT?!? he is like so contradicting himself.Whatever. anyways, i dont know why but i always end up supporting asian groups or people in reality tv. anyways,bye

Thursday, April 16, 2009
hello. hah. klarissa help me change my blogskin in return for sushi. haha. klarissa so smart. yay.

wheeee! Greeting members of the society.
Grah, it's me, the social advisorrrrr.
And, I love sushi!
We are gloating over the fact that our juniors are having training,
while we are stuffing ourselves with food and
'omgomg! i think that's kavya! i see red and white socks!'
-ok, i shall go take a look first-

klarissa is having problems with the 'a' button.
we're playing spot the kavya.
while klarissa's SUPPOSED to be looking for kavya, she's looking at tkss guys.
she's also surprised my lamp can move. WOW. smart klarissa.

The government should chop off trees that block claire's view.
Cause we would very much like to watch Kavya train.
No offence.
I want to be cheena for a moment.
-Hai mai pren ishh Claire, she ishh maii best pren muackxxxzxz.
we r using th computer tgt naww, we r tryna spot juniors n kavya
iie am shoo excited abt tmrws tng!-

klarissa is weird. and she is still trying ta spot kavya. she is sad she cant spot kavya.okay. she wan to show me something on youtube.bye.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Ah.bored.lazy.tired.my legs are hurting like Crazy!
ha. training today. GET A LOAD OF THIS. AFIFAH CUT BANGS. CHEAPO FACT #1. BY HERSELF. CHEAPO FACT #2. haha. AND SHE SPENT 3 WHOLE DAYS TRYING TO MAKE IT STRAIGHT. which actually means while she was sick, she passed the time cutting her hair. okay. FREE WHAT. haha. lols.
pitched for people to bunt. after like 2 boxes. then they hit out. 10 strikes per person. almost cramped my leg. ball of foot hurting. kazuki says its not supposed to. man. i think im doing movement wrongly. oh no. i too forever (well much longer than kaz to get the 10 strikes. man. i still need to work on my pitching.) after that coach zhang talk to us for like super long about what is the meaning of clever-ness. quite meaningful. just that my inaccurate chinese translations probably distorted it a lot for fatin and afifah. i was like huh?-ing 1/2 the time to lydia. come on, how do you explain 'bao fa'. we just said explode. how distorted can the meaning get. my chinese is so horrible. sheesh.
Geog was okay. sort of. at least i could answer the questions. haha. i got 36/40 for math. woooo! haha. yay. and a 11/20 for si han. at least i passed. yay.(sort of) how am i suppoed to know that the date was supposed to end at the end of the paper. i always thought it was supposed to be like aligned with the address at the top. minus 1 mark.wow. annoying.art free period. i know afifah want. haha. man. i have to do like 16 sketches of chocolate wrappers. AND CHOOSE 1. how pathetic is that.(hah.cassy. i CAN spell pathetic.ha.take that.)
Ahhh. Farah try IP with me! i downloaded the stuff and got annoyed with my printer cos it was acting weird. white paper jus kept coming out. either that or its like printing the wrong thing. or quadruple printing the stuff i want to print.ergh. annoying printer. and i was so scared to fill is the forms cos i scared i get the info wrong. once save cannot edit leh. so scary right!
im in pain.ouch.pain.ouch.pain.ouch.pain.ouch. i overcrossed and there are seam marks on my leg.pain.
im testing my bro ting xie.so embarrassing. i cant read some of the words. how bad can my chinese get.annoying. while some people like SARAH CHEW are so pro in chinese, they can start a blog in chinese. so pro right. i will never be able to do that.
need to start homewor. man.

Friday, April 10, 2009
hello world. i DO NOT want to do my chinese bao zhang bao dao thing. annoying. finished geog and math and now slacking. WHEN i am supposed to be doing my chinese. my brain stopped working at like what. 6?!? it does that every day. no mood to do chinese. haha. i shall do it tomorrow before or after training. man. tomorrow got training game against spartans and vj. WOW. how fun.
Anyways. to make cassy happy in case she's reading this. i shall paragraph.whatever. i spent like whole of geog writing things on cassy's foolscap and then her smart foolscap had to detatch from the cardboard. cassy is fun to annoy.haha. future marker poking green tea drinking lawyer.i know how to spell tea okay! and friends. and pathetic. HA. spent like long time complaining to her and nicky-ole about my screwed blogskin.Cassy is fun to bug. mwahahaha. AND has a lot of markers to lend and is scared of THE marker stealer. and cheryl has her i-phone and squishy bun thing to play with. and gossip about tom. and fizzy. who i always complain to. thanks for listening.haha. great lab partner.whee. screwing up experiments.
HI Fizzy! ya. my blogskin is screwed. told that to cassy and nicky like 12 times around there. i counted. man. i like my blogskin. it has to screw up on me after i spend like one WHOLE chinese period doing it. how great.
HI klarissa! ya i know its plain. but its nice :) haha. editing it soon.
HI fifah! i just realised why you created a blog. FREE right! mwahahaha. free. i know you want. hahahahahahaha.
my ankle is pain. after coach zhang made me do the movement with the leg thing. PAIN sia. ouch.
eh. no fair. coach qing bought bubble tea for my bro.for FREE. i know afifah also wan.haha:). the joke never stops does it, afifah. haha.
poor farah. hope she's okay.dumb doctor. can go x-ray wrong side of head. WHAT?!? lols.
man. my dinner has a lot of chilli in it. spicy.punggol nasi lemak. waited for my bro to eat. then he come back from tennis and go watch DPPM FC play GOMBAK. thanks a lot ah. i wait until my food cold then you come back watch tv. fine:0 i shall go watch with him soon after i finish this.
hahaha. to rub into cheryl's face. Chelsea WON liverpool at ANFIELD. 3-1. ha. and MAN U only DRAW with porto at OLD TRAFFORD.ahahahahahaha. whooo! oh yeah. ahahahahahaha.
I'm hungry. i shall go eat. yay. with my nice lil bro:) i'm such a good sister right! oh. i'm surprised he bath already. and i didnt have to tell him to! yay! good boy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
haha. editing blogskin in chinese.com lab 3. man. the bell just rang.bye.